Your RSVP helps us know how many people to expect for each service. Thank you for taking time to let us know you're coming!
1. Reduced numbers in the worship center.
2. Social distancing in seating. Our worship center will be completely rearragned to provide proper social distancing. Ushers will be escorting families to their seats.
3. Hand sanitizer stations will be available throughout the building.
4. Contactless service. This means we will be foregoing our normal greeting time, and we will not be passing the offering bag. An offering box will be located at the back of the sanctuary for any tithes and offerings.
5. Thorough cleaning before, in between, and after every service.
We will be encouraging everyone to wear a mask, but it is not required. Our staff team and service volunteers will be wearing masks to create a comfortable enviroment for everyone.
Only staff members and volunteers working the services will have their temperatures taken as a precaution. We do ask though, that you take your temperature at home before heading to church.
During this season, we will not be serving refreshments or donuts. We wan't to minimize contact, especially with drinks and foods.
That's totally ok! We want you to feel at ease with whatever decision you make. We will be offering an online only stream of the service Sunday nights at 8pm at